Empty. By Dennis Kaptain 2020-04

A song about desperation, depression, and hope.


Am                  C                           Am    D
///                 //                         ///   /---
your heart feels so empty                     no one to share your  joy
you know   you've got plenty                  just not the real McCoy
your heart feels so empty                     your life feels so empty

G                      A
Looking for someone to fill that hole
    G                        D
You know there's someone for you
G                        A
Someone special that can fill that role
G          A    F#4
God if you only knew 

Am                  C                           Am    D
///                 //                         ///   /---
your life feels empty                         you've been burned by an old flame
down at the end of the jetty                  and now it's starting to rain
your heart feels so empty                     your life feels so empty

Am                  C                     Am    D
///                 //                    ///   /---
your heart feels so empty                 your life feels so empty

[lead break or something]

     Am                   C////                G                             Am////
It's only his empty grave,                 can fill your empty heart
It's only his empty grave,       can give your life a brand new start
It's only his empty grave,                 can fill your empty heart
It's only his empty grave,       can give your life a brand new start



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All music is © 2017-2020 Dennis Kaptain.
All music by Dennis Kaptain is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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