DigitalDistraction. By Dennis Kaptain 2024-04-13

We are constantly bombarded with information overload. It's a constant distraction from real life and the things we should be doing. It also gets in the way of our relationships including our relationship with God.

As the glow illuminates our faces
The light of our love is slowly dimmed
all of our best intended graces
our digital world master rescinds

designed to love one another
derailed by meaningless interaction
endless useless new things to discover
alluring mindless pull of new attractions
yet again we fail to take action

Blinded by distractions
Coming from every side
so hard to take action
to keep you as my only guide
Digital distractions
constantly everywhere
always taking action
till we’re not even aware

I always try to focus, on you God
I seek you daily with all my heart
but alarm bells ringing my thoughts defraud
I feel compelled, I must   take part

How can I learn to disregard
my conditioned obsession to respond
always to this modern day facade
attacking my spirit from beyond
You know, I find it very odd

[Chorus] 2x


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All music is © 2017-2019 Dennis Kaptain.
All music by Dennis Kaptain is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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