Castle Truth. By Dennis Kaptain 2024-05-30

A song about a lost soul sabotaging his own way. Randy Principe on drums.

[ Verse 1 ] in search of truth
Em                                C
  You wander lost, searching, the deep dark timberland
Em                               B
  A cold dense fog obscures your way
Em                                C
  You seek, the Castle Truth, but as a fog conceals
Em                              B
  Your own delusions block your way

[ Verse 2 ] jester
Em                               C
  Out from the swirling fog, the Jester calls to you
Em                               B
  He says you'll never find your way
Em                                    C
  If you'll complete your quest, then you must realize
Em                          B
  That foolish jester he is you

[ Verse 3 - Slow ]
     Em              C             Em               B
  In your delusional darkness, you try to make your    way
      Em         C               Em             B
  You never even realize, you're not that, far away
         never                             far away
      Em               C          Em                    B
  The Castle Truth she lies, just past the break in the trees
                                           break in the trees
            Em               C               Em               B
  but still hidden from your view, will your dark fog never retreat
                                             dark fog never retreat

[ Verse 4 ] burning bridges dragons light your path
Em                                C
  Fire breathing dragons, they pursue you on your way
Em                                                         B
 or is it just the way you act, YEAH, your problem of the day
Em                                     C
 You madly run, striking out, burning bridges as you go
Em                                            B
 You think the flames will light your way, I tell you no no no

[ Verse 5 ] forgiveness you can't take it back
Em                                      C
  What you say, can't take it back, the damage it is be done
Em                                   B
  everything that's in your path, destroyed one.. by.. one..
Em                             C
  regrets and sorrows it won't matter how you feel
Em                                 B
  live with this new world, your regrets are.. now.. so.. real..

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All music by Dennis Kaptain is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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